Visit Kosovo

When to travel to Kosovo and weather in Kosovo:


Subsequently we offer you a summary about the Climatic Conditions in Kosovo:

The climate of Kosovo is predominantly continental, causing hot summers and cold winters with Alpine and Mediterranean influences in Kosovo (to do a general average of the temperature inside Kosovo we can say that is of + {PN30° CPN} (the summer) to- {PN10° CPN} (the winter) of Kosovo).  Nevertheless in Kosovo, due to the uneven elevations in certain parts of the country, there is differentiate with the distribution of haste and the temperature in Kosovo.

In Kosovo December and January can be considered as the coldest months, July and August like the hottest months of the year in Kosovo. The rate of maximum haste is reached between October and December.  Between November and March, it can be expected the snowfall in Kosovo, still in the flat parts of the country.  In Kosovo also it can be expected the snow-covered highest in the regions of mountain of Kosovo.

The valleys of Kosovo between the cities of Mitrovic ë/Mitrovica and Kaçanik/Kacanik belongs to the driest zone of Kosovo. To the contrary, in Kosovo the plain of Dukagjini between Pej ë/Pec and Prizren is described as a very fertile area with more haste between November and March.

More information of the climate of Kosovo:


Basing on the conditions of the climate, Kosovo can be separated in three climatic areas:

  • The Climatic Area of Kosovo (Rrafshi I Kosovës),
  • The Climatic Area of Dukagjini (Rrafshi I Dukagjinit)
  • The Climatic Area of mountains and forest parts.

The climatic area of Kosovo (Rrafshi I Kosovës), that includes the Ibar-Valley, is under the inflluence of masses of continental air.  By this reason, in this part of the country of Kosovo, the winters are colds with average temperatures above- {PN10° PN} C, but at times down to- {PN26° PN} C.  The summers of Kosovo are very hot with average temperatures of {PN20° PN} C, at times to {PN37° PN} C.  This area is characterized by having a dry climate and an annual total haste of 600 mm per year, approximately.

The climatic area of Dukagjini (Rrafshi I Dukagjinit), that includes the dividing line of water of the Drini and the river Bardh, is influenced a lot by the masses of hot air, that cross the Adriatic sea near Kosovo. In this zone of Kosovo the average temperatures during great part of the winter of Kosovo are among {PN0.5° CPN} to at times {PN22.8° PN} C. The annual average haste of this climatic area is approximately 700 mm per year.  The winter in this zone of Kosovo is characterized by snow-covered heavy.

The climatic area of the mountains and forest parts is characterized by a forest typical climate, that is associated with heavy haste (900 to 1.300 mm per year), and the summers that are very short and cold, and the winters that are colds and with a lot of snow.

Finally, it can be declared that the territory of Kosovo is characterized by a sunny climate with the variable temperature and conditions of humidity.

Keywords:  When to go to Kosovo.  When to visit Kosovo.  When to travel to Kosovo.  The climate in Kosovo.  The weather report in Kosovo.  What clothes should carry to Kosovo.  Best months to visit Kosovo.  Summers and winters in Kosovo.  Beaches of Kosovo.  Mountains of Kosovo.  Centers of Ski in Kosovo.  Snow in Kosovo.  Islands of Kosovo.  Mediterranean sea and Adriatic sea in the coast of Kosovo.

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