Macedonia introduction:

The Mountainous Macedonia still has an air of mystery locked up in it. Macedonia is at the same time ancient and modern. Macedonia fights to find its place in the postcomunist world. The orthodox monks dressed in Black of Macedonia are only such an important part of this renovation as the hordes of teenagers, decked with the last Italian mode, taking coffee in the elegant bars of the capital of Macedonia.
Macedonia overview:
For the tourists that like to take activities outdoors they will think that Macedonia is a paradise. Its extensive desert allows wide opportunities for the trippers, mountain-climbers and skiers. If you visit Macedonia try the impressive National Park Mavrovo in the west of Macedonia where you will be able to find the best track of ski of the country as well as the best panoramic points of the Alpes that will provide you with Alpine unforgettable views. Another thing that will fascinate you of Macedonia are the former ruins that have very much value for the history of Macedonia.
Travel Macedonia:

Also in Macedonia it(he,she) is very surprising visiting Sveti Naum the Monastery. The culturally rich city of Ohrid, is one of the cities most distinguished in Macedonia since it has got its beautiful lake of great spiritual meaning; Skopje is the capital of Macedonia and this one is an animated place where the stereotypes of Eastern Europe and unexpected places coexist with intriguing results. In short, Macedonia is a small country but overstocked with something for almost all the tastes. To the margin of the spectacular peaks of Macedonia, the lakes and rivers, we can find the hospitality of the southern people of the Slavonic nations that they will do their best to provide you with an unforgettable visit.
Tags: Macedonia introduction. Macedonia Overview. Macedonia general information. Macedonia travel information. Macedonia and its cities. Macedonia in europe. Balkans countries. Travel to Macedonia. Visit Macedonia.