Macedonian Phrases and Words to Travel

We provide very useful Macedonian phrases and common words to help you when you travel so will be able to speak a little macedonian languages.
These Macedonian phrases and words of Macedonia were wisely selected by Macedonian’s arts graduates who have completed their studies and courses of Macedonian for foreigners like you to travel to Macedonia without problems, then you will be able to speak a little Macedonian.
The first words and Macedonian phrases will help to communicate and at the end of the page we will also teach you some love words and Macedonian phrases. 
To speak the language fluently is a beautiful activity, at least make an attempt to say a few words to get accustomed to this language.
You will see that little by little and with a little effort you will say some Macedonian phrases.
Try to also to take a course in Macedonian for foreigners while visiting Macedonia. Then also we give pretty love words and Macedonian phrases to further enrich your Macedonian vocabulary and be prepared if a night you go out walking with a girl from Macedonia when you travel there.
Also you will be ready and prepared to chat though Messenger with a girl from Macedonia, you can tell by chatting to the beautiful girls romantic Macedonian phrases and love words.
With no doubt you will surprise the girls from Macedonia using these Macedonian phrases and words of love.
Just to speak personally in Macedonian with a girl from Macedonia will impress her with your general culture and conversation skills in her own language.
Remember that the love of your life might be in Macedonia. Who knows?

Basic words and phrases in Macedonian to travel to Macedonia:

Good morningDobro utroДобро утро
Good afternoonDobar denДобар ден
What are you doing?Sto pravis?Што правиш?
How are you?Kako si?Како си?
I am fine (ok)Dobro sumДобро сум
Here you arePoveleteПовелете
How much does it cost?Kolku cini?Колку чини?
 colloquial: FalaФала
Bye byePrijatnoПријатно
CheersNa zdravje!На здравје!
I am sorryIzvineteИзвинете
Make a leftSvrtete levoСвртете лево
Make a rightSvrtete desnoСвртете десно
Go straightOdete pravoОдете право

Romantic and love words and Macedonian phrases

Whenever the above mentioned will be appropriate phrases to communicate in the local language, which will surely be appreciated and valued by people.
As noted, these words and phrases were intelligently selected by arts graduates in the country, with studies in language courses for foreigners to learn croatian.
Undoubtedly you will surprise the girls of the country with these words and phrases of Love and Friendship.
Discovering the cultural treasures of Macedonia while forming genuine connections awaits you in the journey of meeting girls. Embrace the local culture, engage in social spaces, show sincerity and respect, and seek common interests to unlock the beauty of romance in Macedonia.

Macedonian love phrases

English PhraseMacedonian Phrase
I love youТе сакам (Te sakam)
You are beautifulТи си убава (Ti si ubava)
My loveМојата љубов (Mojata ljubov)
I miss youМи недостигаш (Mi nedostigaš)
You are my everythingТи си ми сè (Ti si mi sè)
SweetheartСрценце (Srcence)
My heartМоето срце (Moeto srce)
I am happy with youСреќен сум со тебе (Sreken sum so tebe)
Kiss meБакни ме (Bakni me)
My darlingМојата драга (Mojata draga)
You are my soulmateТи си мојата сродна душа (Ti si mojata srodna duša)
Forever yoursЗасекогаш твој/твоја (Zasekogash tvoj/tvoja)
Hold me tightПрегрни ме силно (Pregrni me silno)
My dearМојот драг/мојата драга (Mojot drag/mojata draga)
You are my dream come trueТи си мојот сон што се оствари (Ti si mojot son što se ostvaril)
My love for you is endlessМојата љубов кон тебе е бескрајна (Mojata ljubov kon tebe e beskrajna)
You mean the world to meТи значиш сè за мене (Ti značiš sè za mene)
I adore youТе обожавам (Te obožavam)
You are my sunshineТи си моето сонце (Ti si moeto sonce)
I am yoursЈас сум твој/твоја (Jas sum tvoj/tvoja)

Feel free to use these phrases to express your love and affection when you travel or meet someone in Macedonia! My love in macedonian and more romantic words in macedonian.

Tags for Macedonian Phrases : Practical and useful Macedonian phrases for travelling. Words of love and Macedonian Phrases to meet girls by chat, messenger or in person. Macedonian love Phrases and words of love for meeting guys for chat or phone with women. Learn phrases Remember you can learn some croatian phrases in our site before your travel to visit the country

Useful love words and phrases to tell a Macedonian girl.

  1. Love – Љубов (Ljubov)
  2. My love – Мојата љубов (Moјata ljubov)
  3. Darling – Драга (Draga)
  4. Sweetheart – Мила (Mila)
  5. Beautiful – Прекрасна (Prekrasna)
  6. You are my everything – Ти си мојот свет (Ti si mojot svet)
  7. I adore you – Те обожавам (Te obožavam)
  8. I miss you – Ми недостигаш (Mi nedostigaš)
  9. Kiss – Љубов (Ljubov)
  10. Hug – Прегратка (Pregratka)
  11. You make me happy – Ме правиш среќен/среќна (Me praviš srećen/srećna)
  12. Forever – Завинаги (Zavinagi)
  13. Soul mate – Душевен друг (Duševen drug)
  14. You are perfect – Ти си совршена/совршен (Ti si sovršena/sovršen)
  15. I can’t live without you – Не можам да живеам без тебе (Ne možam da živeam bez tebe)
  16. You are the love of my life – Ти си љубовта на мојот живот (Ti si ljubovta na mojot život)
  17. Will you marry me? – Дали сакаш да се ожениме? (Dali sakaš da se oženime?)
  18. I cherish every moment with you – Ги ценам секој момент со тебе (Gi cenam sekoj moment so tebe)
  19. You are the most beautiful girl in the world – Ти си најубавата девојка на светот (Ti si najubavata devojka na svetot)
  20. I am lucky to have you – Сум среќен што те имам (Sum srećen što te imam)

Remember to use these phrases with sincerity and respect, as they convey your feelings towards the Macedonian girl. More love phrases in moldavian for your trip. Macedonian love phrases and words.

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