Moldovan Phrases and Words of Love traveling to Moldova

We will provide a brief summary of key Romanian phrases and words, so that you can travel to Moldova and can talk in the tourist cities of Moldova or Hotels.
Note that in Moldova the language spoken is Romanian so this category of our website will give you phrases and words in Romanian.

These phrases and words of Moldova were wisely selected by Moldova’s arts graduates who have completed their studies and courses of Romanian for foreigners.
Then also we give pretty love words and Romanian phrases to further enrich your Romanian vocabulary and be prepared if a night you go out walking with a girl from Moldova when you travel there.
Also you will be ready and prepared to chat though Messenger with a girl from Moldova, you can tell by chatting to the beautiful girls romantic Romanian phrases and love words.
With no doubt you will surprise the girls from Moldova using these Romanian phrases and words of love.
The words in Romanian are very interesting when they are used correctly.

Useful words and phrases in Romanian to travel to Moldova:

Dear reader, below you will find some words in Romanian language which is spoken in Moldova.
A collection of useful words and phrases in Romanian that are good for travelling to Moldova.

Englishlimba română (Romanian)
Would you like to dance with me?Doreşti să dansezi cu mine? (inf)
Doriţi să dansaţi cu mine? (frm)
I love youTe iubesc
Get well!Însănătoşire grabnică!
Vindecare rapidă!
Multă sănătate!
Leave me aloneLăsa-mă în pace! (inf)
Lăsaţi-mă în pace! (frm)
Call to the policeChemaţi poliţia!
Merry christmas and happy new yearCrăciun fericit şi un An Nou Fericit
Marry christmasPaşte Fericit
Hristos a inviat! (Christ has risen!)
Adevarat ca a inviat! (Truly, he has risen)
Happy birthdayLa mulţi ani
Only 1 language is not enoughO singură limbă nu ajunge niciodată
My plane is plenty of eaglesVehicolul meu pe pernă de aer e plin cu ţipari

Whenever the above mentioned will be appropriate phrases to communicate in the local language, which will surely be appreciated and valued by people.

As noted, these words and phrases were intelligently selected by arts graduates in the country, with studies in language courses for foreigners.

Undoubtedly you will surprise the girls of the country with these words and phrases of Love and Friendship.

Love  word and phrases in Romanian which is the Language people speak in Moldova

  • I love to tell you love words in Romanian my love

Îmi place să spun cuvinte de dragoste, dragostea mea în limba română

  • You are the most beautiful girl in Moldova

sunt cea mai frumoasă fată din Moldova

  • I want to chat with you through the webcam my love

Să-ţi vorbesc pe webcam dragostea mea.

  • My love whisper me Romanian words in my ears

dragoste şi ură spune-mi cuvinte frumoase în limba română

  • My love can you teach me words and phrases in Romanian?

i expresii în limba română?

  • Can I have your msn to chat my love?

Dă-mi msn chat-ul dvs., astfel încât am dragostea mea?

  • Hi baby do you have a headeach tonight?

salut iubirea, aveţi o durere de cap in seara asta prea?

Tags for words and Romanian phrases: Practical and useful phrases for travelling to Moldova. Love Romanian phrases to meet Moldovan girls by chat, messenger or in person. Love Romanian phrases to meet guys for your chat or in Moldova. Learn love phrases in montenegrin language for your next travel. Learn Romanian. Romanian courses to travel to Moldova. Words of love and passion in Romanian (language of Moldova) What language is spoken in Moldova? In Moldova people speak Romanian. Love phrases in moldova and romanian. Love words.

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