Useful Information for Travel to Serbia | Airlines Bus Trains

Getting there and around Serbia

travel airport serbia


Information on how to get to Serbia and means of transport within Serbia:

In Serbia JAT (Yugoslav Airlines) have regional services to Serbia from all over Europe. Other airlines like Lufthansa and Aeroflot fly to Belgrade, and Austrian Airlines, Swiss Air, British Airways and Turkish Airlines fly to Prishtina.

International trains from Belgrade visit Novi Sad and Subotica for destinations in northern and western Serbia, Nis for those going east of Serbia. 
So far there are no trains going from Kosovo to Serbia. We recommend booking trains in Serbia with a certain time and with a student card you get a reduction on some trains tickets. Eurail and Interail are accepted and sold at the railway station in Belgrade.

Drivers from Britain, Spain, Germany and some other countries require an international driving license to drive in the country, otherwise, visitors can use their national licenses in Serbia. 
Vehicles need a third party insurance plus insurance bought at the border of Serbia. The traffic police are in everywhere regularly caring for and controlling the speed limits of those who drive in Serbia.

Transport in Serbia

Serbian buses are required to travel from Serbia to Kosovo and Novi Pazar is the gateway for to take the bus to Kosovo.

Serbian company Eleznice Jugoslovenska provides adequate railway services from Belgrade, Novi Sad serving, Subotica and Nis.
There are four kinds of trains in Serbia: ekspresni (express), poslovni (fast), brzi (fast) and putnicki (slow), then make sure you have the proper fare when taking a train in the country.

In Serbia you can rent a car with the following international companies: Vip, Hertz, Europcar and Net all have offices at Belgrade airport and in the major cities.

Visa information to enter Serbia

The requirements to enter Serbia are: Visitors from Australia, USA, Canada and most European countries do not require a Visa for a visit up to 90 days  For those who really need a visa, they are not available at the border and you must get a visa to enter Serbia in advance on a Serbian consulate or embassy in your country.


Keywords for getting there and around in Serbia. Useful information for your trip. Transport in Serbia. Train companies in Serbia. Car rental companies. Air tickets. Booking of tickets in the country. How travelling to Serbia. Public Buses in Serbia. How to get to Serbia.  Tickets with discounts and special offers to Serbia. Airlines of Serbia. Domestic and domestic flights  Visa information for travellers. Information from countries that do not require visas to enter Serbia. Crossing borders. Amazing places to visit. How to travel in the country. Railways services for to trips. How to make your Tour. Best places to visit there. What to do and where to stay Useful information for travellers. Remember check serbian phrases before you travel to the country. Enjoy your trip and holidays in this amazing Balkans country. We’ll update this article with more information in the near future. Remember to follow us on Twitter for to more bits of advice for your trip to the Balkans and other countries. Are you thinking in to take your holidays in this country? Then don’t forget to follow our Twitter account for more tips and news about places to visit.
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